Unchain Convention 2018
- Event organized by Unchain
- 31 May, 2018 - 01 June, 2018
- Hamburg, Germany
- Innovation Events Event
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Event description
Join the annual edition of the innovation event Unchain Convention 2018 held in Hamburg, Germany by Unchain.
UNCHAIN Convention is a 2 day conference for Bitcoin and Blockchain technology in Hamburg, featuring some of the world’s leading Cryptocurrency and Blockchain experts and entrepreneurs. Already more than 25 top-notch speakers have confirmed, among them crypto pioneers such as Erik Voorhees (ShapeShift), Diego Gutiérrez Zaldívar (RSK Labs), and Ira MIller (Guld).
UNCHAIN aims at decision makers in companies who want to learn more about this new technology. Smart industry leaders sense that a revolution is underway which will massively change economy and society. The convention’s focus lies on practical applications of Blockchain technology, in the financial world as well as in other industries. At the same time, speakers and attendees will be taking a closer look at several concrete projects in the most diverse areas such as energy trading, real estate, process optimization, customer loyalty and charity.
UNCHAIN will also spotlight new forms of how to organize our society and how Blockchain technology can contribute to this. We are especially looking forward to Titus Gebel’s talk about Free Private Cities and Susanne Tempelhof’s presentation of how Blockchain technology can offer competitive alternatives to government services.
UNCHAIN’s main cooperation partner is the Latin American Bitcoin Conference, considered by many to be the best Bitcoin conference in the world. In many respects Latin America is far ahead of Europe and there is a lot to from UNCHAIN’s Latin American friends. They are specialized not only in identifying new business opportunities, educating people and starting companies, but also in having a great time while doing so. So speakers and attendees should be prepared for some hot fiestas!
Aaron Koenig, co-founder of UNCHAIN, will be moderating and has himself been a speaker at more than 40 conference since 2012. Aaron is a highly-regarded entrepreneur; writer and visionary, whose bestselling books about the basics of Cryptocoins and Co. will provide even newcomers valuable insights to join the new era of Blockchain technology. Crypto Tickets can be bought by Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Dash, Ethereum and Z-Cash with special offers available.
- Electronics, IT and Telecomms
- Blockchain
- Social and economic concerns
- Fintech
- Internet of Things
- Cyber Security