Patents, the key instrument for research
- Event organized by Universitat Rovira i Virgili
- 19 April, 2018 - 19 April, 2018
- Tarragona, Spain
- Tech Transfer and R&D Events Event
- Visit website
Event description
Join the upcoming technology transfer talk "Patents, the key instrument for research", to be held on April 19th at the Technology Transfer and Innovation Center of the URV Foundation.
The Research Valorization Unit of the URV invites you to attend the talk "Patents, the key instrument for research", to be held on April 19th at the Technology Transfer and Innovation Center of the URV Foundation.
Find solutions to your technical problems, discover what competitors are developing, see how new technologies emerge ... the information offered by patents probably can answer all these questions.
The previous step before beginning any research line must be a good search in different patent databases: patent documents make the most extensive and complete collection of scientific-technical literature in the world.
- Agriculture and marine resources
- Agrofood industry
- Biological sciences
- Consumer related
- Electronics, IT and Telecomms
- Energy
- Blockchain
- Industrial manufacturing and materials transport
- Medical / Health related
- Physical and exact sciences
- Protecting man and environment
- Social and economic concerns
- Photonics
- Pharmaceuticals
- Fintech
- Chemicals
- Cosmetics, Health and Beauty
- Internet of Things
- Cyber Security