
HSE360 Summit 2023
- Event organized by GLC Europe
- 09 - 11 October, 2023
- Vienna, Austria
- Webinars & Online Events Event
- Visit website
Event description
HSE360 will provide participants with a platform for information exchange and networking with experts from all across the world. The attendees will be presented with a number of sessions on today’s current issues and trends including behavioral safety and engagement, well-being and mental health activities, how to attract the next generation, use of modern technologies.
1. Intelex Technologies - https://www.intelex.com/
2. Enhesa - https://www.enhesa.com/
3. The Bosch division Building Technologies - https://www.boschbuildingsolutions.com/xc/en/
4. SafeStart - https://safestart.com/
- Pharmaceuticals