ASTP Proton Annual Conference 2017
- Event organized by ASTP Proton
- 30 May, 2017 - 02 June, 2017
- Budapest, Hungary
- Open Innovation Events Event
- Visit website
Event description
The ASTP-Proton’s annual conference this year, titled ‘Strengthening the core and creating value’, will be held on 31 May-2 June in Budapest, Hungary. The annual conference has been held once a year in the spring since year 2000 with an average of 250 K/TT professionals from 160 academic institutions and industries from 34 countries attended each year. The three-day-conference programme comprises of pre-conference workshops, city guided tour, welcome reception and a directors forum on the Wednesday, continued with plenary and parallel sessions on the Thursday and Friday, including a conference dinner. The programme allows conference attendees to attend the most relevant interactive tracks that best suit their professional experience and interests.