
Maximising Open Innovation Opportunities for Cluster Organisations: Insights from ELCA and Innoget | 2023
- Event organized by Innoget
- 20 April, 2023 - 20 April, 2023
- Barcelona
- Webinars & Online Events Event
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Event description
Innoget, the Open Innovation accelerator, and ELCA European lightweight Clusters Organisation are hosting an online webinar to discuss the benefits that Open Innovation (OI) ecosystems can bring to Cluster Organisations.
The webinar will cover the following topics:
The future of Open Innovation (OI)
Open Innovation ecosystems and Innoget Cloud
ELCA, boosting OI opportunities through Innoget
AMULET, a use case related to Automotive, Aerospace & Aeronautics, and Energy industries.
Join virtually, to discover knowledge and opportunities within OI ecosystems, next April 20th 2023 at 3 PM CET. Speakers: Jordi Rafols Fernandez CEO at Innoget, Elene Bokeria Business Development Associate at Innoget and Indira Altynbekova Innovation Consultant at Bax & Company. *Session will be recorded: Sign up, for a copy of the recording.
Link to register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_HBspY8sQR46s9hTq1h-HGA
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