Event description
11 - 15 July, 2016.
For new product execs, 5 days meeting New York's most brilliant innovators in their offices, studios, labs for ideas to improve new product development. Each program includes product design, food, fashion, technology, retail, hospitality, architecture. Debriefs for individual corporate application.
In each exhilarating, inspiring week, we meet with innovation leaders in tech, digital, product design, food, fashion, retail, hospitality and architecture, in their workshops, studios, offices and labs in cities like Copenhagen, Paris and New York. Participants discover firsthand, new innovation strategies and techniques, and see how the mental and physical environments the innovators have created, enable them to think “out of the box”. Inventours™ 5-day international program attendees are heads of R&D, Innovation and Marketing in tech, food, fashion, pharma, tourism, cosmetics, hospitality, and automotive. Taking new product and creative execs out of their categories and countries to see how breakthrough thinkers innovate across industries around the world, yields insights for improving their own innovation methods.
Inventours programs challenge the mistaken notion that fun can’t be hugely productive. These thoughtfully designed, highly exciting experiences can actually generate greater productivity. While the usual day to day work of execs can make many feel they’re moving their businesses ahead, getting out of the office and witnessing the work environments, product development processes and in-market execution of highly creative, successful and diverse global practitioners can inspire new insights and reverse the rut of “same old” thinking.