6th Edition of World Nanotechnology Conference (Hybrid Event) – World Nano 2023
- Event organized by Magnus Group LLC
- 24 - 26 April, 2023
- Webinars & Online Events Event
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Event description
World Nano 2023 (Hybrid Event) takes privilege in welcoming the participants to share their insight with the experts from Nanotechnology, Chemistry, Physics and Material Science from across the globe. With powerful prominence on innovative approaches, this event offers an opportunity for scientists and researchers in operation in various areas to learn the new concepts that might facilitate them advance their skills and form new skilled relationships and collaborations. Your Presence at This Nanotechnology conference will be a satisfying experience. Enlighten your carrier with gaining knowledge in the field of nanotechnology by attending the online event.
Magnus Group is delighted to invite you to participate in the ‘6th Edition of World Nanotechnology conference (Hybrid Event)’ scheduled during April 24-26, 2023 at Orlando, FL, USA and Virtually. World Nano 2023 offers a platform that brings together the collection of investigators who are at the forefront in the field of Nanotechnology. The scientific program will include oral presentations of sub-disciplines, keynote sessions led by eminent scientists, and poster sessions presented interactively by junior scientists and graduate students. It is the definitive meeting place for all the experts worldwide for new interdisciplinary scientific collaborations and networking.
Through this scientific event, we are providing assurance to discover the latest technologies and breakthroughs that are specific to your area of work. This Nanotechnology conference has a broad scope of topics and continued in parallel sessions relative to the specific area of research.
For more information. Please visit: https://worldnanotechnologyconference.com/
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