International Conference and Expo on Applied Microbiology
- Event organized by Magnus Group
- 17 - 18 June, 2022
- IL 60606, USA
- Webinars & Online Events Event
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Event description
Magnus Group cordially invites you to join its one-of-a-kind Virtual event “International Conference and Expo on Applied Microbiology” (ICAM 2022)during June 17-18, 2022.
The Applied Microbiology Conference strives to provide a meaningful theme, this year the theme chosen is “Microscopic View of Applied Microbiology in The Genomic Era”which will focus on the latest innovations and recent trends in applied microbiology and allied fields.
The global applied microbiology consortium strives to provide an excellent platform for all Microbiologists, Researchers, Scientists, Academicians, Healthcare experts and other professionals working in the field of Microbiology to exchange ideas, share research methods, explore advances in current technologies, raise awareness of microbial merits and drawbacks, expand connections and resources, and build a knowledge base. The scientific gathering of ICAM 2022 allows you to present, discuss, and exchange the most recent breakthroughs, trends, and practical difficulties in the field of microbiology in order to build a better world. Oral presentations, poster presentations, workshops, symposiums, and Young researcher forum sessions are all part of the Applied Microbiology conference. As a result, we cordially ask all interested individuals from industry and academics to attend our meeting and help us make it a success.
Contact Email: appliedmicrobiology@magnusscigroup.com
Phone: 1 (702) 988 2320
Whatsapp: +1 (540) 709 1879
Dates: June 17-18, 2022.
Website: https://applied-microbiology.magnusconferences.com/
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