2nd Edition of International Precision Medicine Conference
- Event organized by Magnus group
- 21 - 23 April, 2022
- Open Innovation Events Event
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Event description
With great honour we would like to have your valuable presence at our annual flagship conference “2nd Edition of International Precision Medicine Conference” (IPMC 2022) which will be taking place in a HYBRID format during April 21-23, 2022 in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
The conference will highlight the theme “One drug doesn’t suit all: Genomic era of precision medicine.”
The belief that all humans are essentially the same has been a driving force behind medical advancements. Evidence now contradicts this guiding concept, revealing that variance from the mean is not only noise but also predictive. Precision medicine explains this by claiming that people are divided into one or more overlapping categories based on their ancestry and environment. The focus of this conference will be on patient centrality in the context of omics, digital medicine, and artificial intelligence, which will help to advance the conversation. The scientific sessions will cover a wide range of topics, including the latest technologies and strategies that make personalised medicine possible, as well as the successes and challenges of putting it into practise in real-world settings, expanding its reach to populations, and making it accessible to everyone. Attendees will acquire a wide perspective on the prospects and challenges of bringing personalised medicine to fruition by bringing together a diverse group of experts and stakeholders at the conference.
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For Scientific Sessions PS: https://magnusconferences.com/precisionmedicine/program/scientific-sessions
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For Registration PS:
Dates: April 21-23, 2022
Venue: Las vegas,USA
For more details visit: https://magnusconferences.com/precision-medicine/
Email: precision-medicine@magnusconference.com
Office: + 1 (702) 988 2320
Whatsapp: +1 434 381 1007
- Medical / Health related