5th R&D, Open Innovation & Start-ups Venturing Summit
- Event organized by Vonlanthen
- 01 - 02 December, 2021
- Barcelona, Spain
- Open Innovation Events Event
- Visit website
Event description
COVID-19 has disrupted the innovation landscape. In order to grow in the "new normal" and to accelerate sustainable development progress, companies need to foster their research, innovation and collaboration efforts based on the longer-term science, tech and market shifts.
We will continue the innovation journey with the key experts in the area at #VLOpenInn on 1-2 December 2021!
The key challenges facing innovation leaders after pandemic:
- How should businesses innovate after covid-19?
- How to meet shifting customer needs?
- How to identifying and quickly address new opportunities?
- What should be done differently now?
- How to revaluate the innovation portfolio and ensure resources are allocated properly?
- How to build resilience and grow in the new conditions?
Many product development companies had to instantly become more agile to pivot in new and innovative ways, and it is scaling to more businesses.
Adopting digital technologies is leading to new product and process innovations, and remote collaboration, innovation, and venture building demonstrate proved results. Accelerated changes create new opportunities for innovation:
- Automation
- Antifragility
- Atomization
While R&D centers earlier have been the dominant model of innovation, now it has been considered a strong shift towards corporate venturing and open innovation mechanisms. Corporate venturing plays a critical role in accelerating innovation strategy, accessing new ways of working, novel ideas, technologies, and business models. At the same time, 90% of open innovations don't work because corporate culture isn't ready to embrace new ideas and experimentation to develop innovative solutions in a cost-efficient way. Consequently:
- What big corporations should learn from the success of Silicon Valley start-ups?
- How to build a robust innovation pipeline to achieve a better ROI on R&D investments and to outperform market value?
As well as tackling the covid-influenced challenges for corporate innovation and start-ups, we will explore the recent experience on open innovation, R&D, digital transformation, and related subjects:
- Improving idea sourcing, quality, processes, performance, and interaction with breakthrough insights
- Adopting new tech and tools to mature creation of sustainable, innovative products and R&D processes
- Empowering co-creation, developability, and deliverability of innovation solutions
- Unleashing employees’ creativity and collaboration, and encouraging a culture of innovations
- Designing open innovation platforms from concept to implementation to enable OI ecosystem
- Applying emerging innovation approaches to create novel business models for product, process, and services
- Establishing a partnership with internal and external communities and learning from failures
- Enriching innovation opportunities through corporate venturing, digital transformation, and dealing with startups
- Better strategizing, budgeting, integrating, and digitalizing R&D and product innovation processes
- Translating UX research and design thinking into successful innovations
- Delivering economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable products and business models
- Defining metrics to measure impact and to maximize the value of innovations
See you at #VLOpenInn December 2021!
- Physical and exact sciences
- Protecting man and environment