2nd Edition of World Nanotechnology Conference
- Event organized by Magnus Group
- 19 - 21 April, 2021
- Orlando FL 32836, USA
- Webinars & Online Events Event
- Visit website
Event description
World Nano 2021, which will be held during April 19-21, 2020 in Orlando, USA is where Nanotechnology professionals meet to stake ideas and advance scientific and technical knowledge. By fascinating thousands of Nano professionals, the conference provides exceptional opportunities for sharing your urge for nanotechnology, joining with the world’s largest scientific society, and progressing your career in this ever-changing global economy. This event is expecting attendees all over the world to come together to collaborate and network.
Conference Dates: April 19-21, 2021
Conference Venue: Orlando, USA
For More details visit: https://worldnanotechnologyconference.com/
Contact Email: nanotechnology@mgconferences.org
Contact Phone: 1 (702) 988 2320
WhatsApp: +1 (540) 709 1879
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- Energy
- Medical / Health related
- Physical and exact sciences
- Others
- Photonics
- Pharmaceuticals
- Chemicals