
Master of Finance: Third-parties, subcontractors and other direct costs in H2020 and Horizon Europe
- Event organized by Europa Media Trainings
- 10 February, 2021 - 10 February, 2021
- Online
- Webinars & Online Events Event
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Event description
The final episode in our epic Finance Master series helps you to discover the difference between third parties and subcontractors, introducing the concept of the Linked Third Parties, and describes one-by-one the other direct cost reporting protocols.
Discussion topics:
- Third party articles – why, there are more than one?
- Resource needed or service outsourced?
- Subcontractors or Linked third parties?
- Which one should be foreseen? Which one would your office prefer?
- Travel costs – for employees and for other – is there a difference?
- Equipment and other assets – how to calculate your facility costs efficiently?
- Internally invoiced items in H2020 and in Horizon Europe
- Other goods and services – what’s in here?
- How about internal cost transfers and charges? Are they eligible?
- Funding rates, receipts, CFS rules and payments – learn them all!
- Guarantee Fund vs Mutual Insurance Mechanism
- Agriculture and marine resources
- Agrofood industry
- Biological sciences
- Consumer related
- Electronics, IT and Telecomms
- Energy
- Blockchain
- Industrial manufacturing and materials transport
- Medical / Health related
- Physical and exact sciences
- Protecting man and environment
- Social and economic concerns
- Others
- Photonics
- Pharmaceuticals
- Fintech
- Chemicals
- Cosmetics, Health and Beauty
- Internet of Things
- Cyber Security