
4th World Congress on Physiotherapy & Physical rehabilitation
- Event organized by EuroSciCon
- 23 - 24 September, 2020
- Rome, Italy
- Innovation Events Event
- Visit website
Event description
4th World Congress on Physiotherapy & Physical rehabilitation SEPTEMBER 23-24, 2020 ROME, ITALY, Hotel Holiday Inn Rome Aurelia Euroscicon invites all the participants i.e., Researchers, Professors, scientific communities, delegates, students, business professionals and executives from all over the world to attend “4th World Congress on Physiotherapy & Physical rehabilitation” during SEP 23-24, 2020 at ROME, ITALY. which includes prompt Keynote presentations, Oral talks (Speaker forum and Young research forum), Poster presentations, Workshops and Exhibitions. https://physiotherapyconference.euroscicon.com/ Eventorganizer@eurosciconconferences.com physiotherapy@euroconclave.com 442033182512 Steve Johnson
- Physical and exact sciences