
Life Science Summit, New York (US)
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- 20 - 21 November, 2013
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Event description
20 - 21 November, 2013. The Life Sciences Summit is the only meeting dedicated to bringing emerging companies and innovators together with capital and industry in a setting that facilitates collaboration and networking. The Summit’s goal is to accelerate the development of new and innovative therapeutics to address unmet medical needs.
See more at: http://www.lifesciencessummit.org/home/about#sthash.tHIMi42O.dpuf
Who Attends?
Participants in the Life Sciences Summit include:
Emerging companies developing next-generation therapeutics
Key Opinion Leaders from industry and academia
Biopharmaceutical innovation scouts and business development executives
Corporate venture executives
Angels and venture capitalists
Medical research foundations
Academic Innovators & Entrepreneurs
Program Features:
Plenary sessions
Key Opinion Leader sessions
Business workshops on funding options and collaboration
Emerging company showcase
Industry presentations
Innovator poster sessions
Lunch with the experts
Professional advisory sessions