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COVID-19 is a pandemic that has just exposed the weakest points in every country, including Sin…
Latest Covid-19 News powered by
Innoget is the leading open innovation network for technology transfer and technology scouting. We are fully committed to contributing to mobilizing scientific and expert communities to develop real solutions to the challenges of the Covid-19 outbreak and related infection diseases.
Ahead of the global Covid-19 outbreak, Innoget is leading the new established Innoget Covid-19 Open Innovation Initiative, aimed at supporting innovators worldwide in bringing forward innovative ideas to address some of the biggest challenges and issues of the
Covid-19 pandemic.
Innoget, in collaboration with the supporters and contributors of the initiative, is allocating the funds raised to mobilize scientific and expert communities to discover, share and develop innovative solutions with the main goal to stop the spread of Covid-19 and accelerate novel developments.
Once you log into Innoget’s Covid-19 Group you will have access to a fast-growing stack of innovation needs, technology offers, patents, papers, news and professionals related to stopping Covid-19. You will be able to list your own knowledge assets, request resources and collaborate with others in making an impact.
Gold Sponsors
Innoget is committed to working in partnership with the research and innovation community to develop novel solutions to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Individuals or teams are asked to submit innovative solutions to the Grand Challenge by the deadline to be defined. The Grand Challenge will be defined by Innoget alogn with the supporters of the initiative -industry partners, research organizations, and other stakeholders-.
The Grand Challenge will be listed on this section upon its launch. Topics to be addressed include, but are not limited to rapid diagnostic kits, rapid deployable mechanical ventilators, protection equipment for healthcare professionals, prevention and treatment of the Covid-19.
We are constantly defining the Grand Challenges. Join Innoget to be notified when they launch.
Topics under eveluation:
Solutions submitted will be evaluated by Innoget and the selected supporters of the initiative, following these evaluation criteria:
Solutions selected by the panel of cross-sector evaluators will be funded with a total amount yet to be defined.
Upon publication of the Grand Challenge on this section, all individuals or teams will be able to submit their proposals through using the application form available. Submitted proposals will be directly received by Innoget for further evaluation.
Innoget is looking for sponsors and contributors to help fund the Covid-19 Open Innovation Challange. All funding received is meant to be used for the definition, launch and development of the program.
The program is a non-profit initiative launched by Innoget. Innoget is providing technical resources to design, develop, maintain and manage the platform itself and the community around it.
Whether you are a private enterprise, research organization, hospital, university, public entity or an individual, we want you to collaborate to disseminate the Covid-19 Open Innovation Initiative. Contact us for more information.
Premium Sponsors fund the initiative and are recognized for that. We will include your logo in the Supporters & Contributors section of this website, as well as every other online or offline communication. Contact us for more details.
Gold Sponsors take part of the initiative, providing funds, actively communicating it, and participating of the definition of the Grand Challenge as well as becoming a jury member for the evaluation process. We will recognize you for that. Contact us for more details.