Low Sulphur Fuels Ltd

Renewables & Environment • Startup • United Kingdom • 0 followers

radical science producing recycled products #greenerchemistry #CleanerCarbon #chemicalrecycling

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LSF has a developed a patented chemical recycling process that produces circular outputs that can be used to produce numerous valuable products.

We have received advance approval from HMRC and are now raising funds from angels under the UK Government Enterprise Investment Scheme (“EIS”) which provides considerable tax advantages to private taxpaying investors.

Please contact us if you would like an investment prospectus.

Contact person

+44 (0) 20 8133 5634
Renewables & Environment
2-10 employees
Amersham, Bucks

About our Innovation Strategy

LSF has a developed a unique chemical recycling process to convert used hydrocarbon containing feedstocks and produce circular outputs that are used to make biofuels, new plastics, rubber tyres, chemicals and other industrial products.

LSF can produce a low sulphur, distillate from used oils and rubber tyres as well as producing valuable recovered Carbon Black. LSF is also able to convert post mechanically sorted plastics into broad range Naphtha.

The process uses advanced electrochemistry to alter the molecular structure of the feedstocks so that contaminants such as sulphur, halogens, nitrogen and others are extracted.

Research areas (4)

Industrial TechnologiesChemical Technology and EngineeringRecycling, RecoverySustainability

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