Seeking Rapid Substance Detection in Inspection and Supply Chain |
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Procter & Gamble is a global leader in innovation, products and services for consumer goods in categories like Beauty (Hair and Skin Care), Fabric & Home Care, Baby Care, Oral Care, Health Care, Family Care, and Feminine Care. We focus on designing and manufacturing superior products, packages and experiences that are safe to consumers, the environment and supply chain partners. P&G undertakes significant efforts to analyze compositions of raw materials and finished products and packages from development to manufacturing through the supply chain. NEED DESCRIPTION For most substances we lack rapid, easy-to-use yet precise detection devices/ methods for inspections at P&G operations (e.g. material income, manufacturing control, cleaning of equipment) and at our supply chain partners that can be used by workers and do not require laboratory environment/ standards |
Seeking Glass Strengthening and Lightweighting Technology |
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PepsiCo is looking to explore non-plastic alternatives for beverage packaging. One such alternative material is glass. It is currently used as a single use or returnable solution in PepsiCo's portfolio. We are looking for a "Superior" substitute for the existing Soda Lime type of glass bottles. |
Seeking Technology for extraction/limiting absorption of oil/hydrophobic fluids |
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New technologies/IP that identify new technologies for oil extraction or preventing absorption of lipids in a porous matrix e.g. potato chips. These technologies can be outside of the food industry such as pharmaceutical, petrochemical to enable oil/hydrophobic fluid removal/reduction. Key areas of focus: 1) Tech limits absorption of hydrophobic fluids (e.g. high temperature post frying to promote oil drainage) 2) Tech that extracts hydrophobic fluids (e.g. steam stripping, centrifuge, super-critical CO2 extraction, ultrasonic) 3) Tech that prevents creation of a porous matrix when exposed to thermal energy (e.g. (pre-treatments such as pulse electric field)) |
Fast and non-sequential measurement method for the light response of chlorophyll a fluorescence |
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New method for the measurement of the in vivo emission of chlorophyll a fluorescence by photosynthetic organisms, through the generation of light-response curves with independent observations, measured in a non-sequential and much faster way than the existing methods. The method combines the (i) projection in the sample of spatially separated light beams of different intensity or quality, using a digitally-controlled projector, with (ii) the measurement of the emitted fluorescence as a response to each light beam using an image fluorometer. |
Soy - Based Leather Conditioner |
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Airable Research Lab has formulated a soy-based leather conditioner that can extend the life of leather products. This eco-friendly treatment is as effective as its petroleum-based competitors. |
New method for prognosis of breast cancer recurrence |
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The invention relates to the field of oncology and cancer treatment and prognosis. The invention includes methods for predicting the risk of recurrence of breast tumors using the expression signature of particular miRNAs. |
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